AX Happy Hour

by | May 24, 2020 | Autocross, Uncategorized

If you’ve ever been to a Redwood Region autocross, you probably know the group meets up at a local restaurant after for some cold beers and snacks to share stories of the day, relive the good and bad of our runs and just enjoy each other’s company. 
Once COVID restrictions put the kibosh on our first AX of 2020, the idea was floated that we should get the gang together anyway over Zoom. The time was set for the late afternoon on what was to be our first AX of the year, May 3, and we put the word out on our website, social channels and emailed former autocross attendees.
It was great to get some of the old crew back together again. We chatted about drives people have been enjoying now that fewer cars are on the backroads, the work folks have been doing to their cars in anticipation of getting on course again and the new obsession of some: virtual racing. 
We’re hopeful the remaining two autocrosses for Redwood will take place as planned: October 11 at Thunderhill (Zone weekend with SVR) and November 22 at the Paddock at Sonoma Raceway, as my AX co-director Drew Powers and I look forward to hosting these events in 2020. 
That’s not to say there isn’t the possibility of another Zoom meeting in our future – we’ll keep you posted if one gets scheduled. Until then, stay well and fingers crossed for October and November.
Stacy O'Connell

Stacy O'Connell

Communications and Co-Autocross Director

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