August 2020 President’s Message

by | Aug 18, 2020

I hope this month’s der Riesenbaum finds you all safe, happy, and cool amidst our recent Northern California heat wave. While our club events have been slowed to a crawl this year for obvious reasons, it has been good to see some club activity and eager participation in recent weeks. The window of participation for Redwood Region’s first Social Distancing Rally has passed, so I look forward to hearing the stories from those of you that were able to participate. I know that Jim Robison wrote an article for this month’s issue detailing the results, and it is well worth your time to read.

August has traditionally been the time of my favorite Porsche Club of America events. The “memory” features of all my social media accounts have been abuzz with pictures from Werks Reunions, Rolex Motorsports Reunion Porsche Platz, and other motorsport enthusiasts’ events of years past. Rather than bore you with another pep talk about “getting through this time together”, I thought I’d share a quick pictorial walk through some of my past memories of August events from 2012 to 2017 as a reminder of why we all love this club and our marque so much…and of all we have to look forward to on the other side of our current global crisis. I hope you enjoy it!

One last thing I wanted to mention: PCA Sim Racing will be starting its Series 5 on Friday, September 4, 2020. Races will be streamed live and available on-demand after events on YouTube (details will be available from the PCA Sim Racing website). The series will take participants to virtual tracks at Laguna Seca, MoSport, Barber, Road Atlanta, COTA, Watkins Glen, Suzuka, and the road course at Daytona. Zone 7 will be represented by Justin Tsang (GGR) and Matty James (GGR) in the Pro class, Sahib Khalsa (GGR), Stephen Chen (Diablo), and Teddy Framhein (GGR) in the Club class, Chip Witt (Redwood), John D’Angelo (LPR), and Tim Clark (LPR) in the Sport class, and Brian Ghidinelli (GGR) and Tim Smith (GGR) in the Challenge class. There will be individual drivers’ and zone “team” championships in play for each class, so join me in wishing all competitors luck….and Go Zone 7!

Thank you, be well, and stay safe out there!

Chip Witt

Chip Witt

Past President

I have been on the Redwood Region board since 2015, serving as Secretary (2015-2016), Vice President (2017-2018), President (2019-2020), and Sitting Past President (2021-2022). This club and the people in it have helped to add tremendous joy to my life. Serving on the board and volunteering time has been my way of trying to give some of that joy back. Region President

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Meetings of the Redwood Region Board occur on the last Tuesday of every month from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. at

(NOTE: this is a location change as of March 2024).

Any PCA member is welcome. Please try to arrive by 6:30 p.m. to place food orders so that meeting can start promptly at 7 p.m. You are responsible for buying your own drinks, but dinner is on the club!