March 2021 President’s Message

by | Mar 16, 2021

Daylight Saving Time starts March 14 so Spring can’t be far behind, and with it our first tour of 2021!

Although COVID gathering restrictions will make our Goat Rock Run on Saturday March 27th a bit unusual as I will be giving you Driver’s instructions via bullhorn while you are seated in your beautiful Porsches with the windows rolled down, it will be great to see each other and enjoy the Marin and Sonoma backroads again. (You might even get to hear me over your FM radio.)

Pre-register through our March Calendar link to as we cannot take any on-site registrations.

I want to thank the energetic team of Sharon Castle and Paul Simmons for keeping the momentum going on getting this drive to happen. They are normally the architects of our biggest annual event (the Run for the Crab) which we had to cancel due to assembly limitations, but their enthusiasm to try to get something in place to break the COVID driving drought helped make this first tour a reality!

In April we will have our return to Autocross at Thunderhill, and our Board is hard at work seeking other opportunities to get us out on the roads together. As a teaser, member Jim Robison is putting together a ‘time-speed-distance’ rally or two that can be run once we get out of the current purple/red COVID tiers which will include TSD rally classroom training. This sounds like a great way to get a good mix of both two-door and four-door Redwood Region Porsches amassed for a common purpose.

As always, Board meetings are open to all interested members on the last Tuesday of every month at 7 pm. The March meeting will still be held over Zoom but we hope to return to in-person dinner meetings soon. Please see our calendar link at 

Ben Davoren

Ben Davoren

President Region President

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Join Us for a Board Meeting!

Meetings of the Redwood Region Board occur on the last Tuesday of every month from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. at

(NOTE: this is a location change as of March 2024).

Any PCA member is welcome. Please try to arrive by 6:30 p.m. to place food orders so that meeting can start promptly at 7 p.m. You are responsible for buying your own drinks, but dinner is on the club!