November 2022 President’s Message

Another great October has come and gone in Redwood Region. I was fortunate enough to participate in both the last-of-the-season Autocross up at Thunderhill (winning my class for the weekend despite 6 months of cobwebs!) and our first-ever “No Drive Social” at Bear Republic Brewery, both of which were smashing successes. My favorite event, however, was our Annual Meeting (and the drive to get there) on the 8th. It was really satisfying because we had a wide range of newer members coming to hang out with the older members, and my sense is that that leaves our club in caring and capable hands for the future. It was also bittersweet as I realize that, like this column, it represents the end of my two years as your President.
There’s more about that drive and the lunch later in this month’s dR, but for now I just want to congratulate our incoming Executive Council leadership on their election to office for 2023. See Secretary Gaines’ column for all the details. Thank you for voting!
There are two more chances this year for us all to enjoy what our club has most to offer: great and friendly people! First, our yearly Event Planning meeting will take place on Tuesday November 29th at Mary’s Pizza Shack (you know you’ll be tired of turkey leftovers by then) in Petaluma at 7 pm, in lieu of our regular board meeting. This is your chance to come up with a great idea of your own for 2023 and get it onto the calendar! Like our usual monthly meetings, dinner is always on the club – you just pay for your drink (Zoom will also available if you wish to attend remotely). Please see our calendar link for details.
After that, we will have our Annual Holiday Party on Saturday December 10th. This year welcomes a new venue, the Rooster Run Golf Club in Petaluma. With the rock and roll band Void Where Prohibited playing after dinner, we will have another great time together swapping Porsche stories and making new friends. And dancing. We’ll also have a Toys4Tots bin looking to be filled; please bring a new, unwrapped toy with you to the party.
The new Board will take good care of the club and I strongly suspect incoming President Vern Rogers (who has done this gig before) will be planning a One One Fun Run to get our beautiful cars off to a great New Year start.
It’s been my privilege to help lead this dynamic, diverse PCA region into new territory over the last several years (even if some of the new territory was forced by COVID). Please support your Board members as best you can, and don’t forget to give me the “double flash” with your headlights when you see my Sapphire Blue Carrera heading your way!
Please see our calendar link for details.

Ben Davoren
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Hi Tec Automotive
San Rafael, CA

Porsche Marin
Mill Valley, CA

Autobahn Automotive
Santa Rosa, CA

Auto Sport Detailing
Santa Rosa, CA

Santa Rosa Auto Body
Santa Rosa, CA
Charities Supported by Redwood Region

Join Us for a Board Meeting!
Meetings of the Redwood Region Board occur on the last Tuesday of every month from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. at
(NOTE: this is a location change as of March 2024).
Any PCA member is welcome. Please try to arrive by 6:30 p.m. to place food orders so that meeting can start promptly at 7 p.m. You are responsible for buying your own drinks, but dinner is on the club!