February 2023 President’s Message

by | Feb 10, 2023

Well, it’s February and the days are starting, ever so slowly, to lengthen. Many of us are looking forward to, and already signed up for Redwood’s only event this month, the 2023 Crab Feed and Run.

Registration closes on 2/14/23 and we have just a few spots left, so sign up soon, or miss out! We have not been able to do a crab feed event since 2/22/2020, just days before we were all locked down for the pandemic. Welcome back to one of our favorite crustaceans… and what better timing than on Valentine’s Weekend!

Big thanks to my lovely wife, Sharon, for finding the venue and booking our caterer Randy once again. This year, due to unforeseen consequences, my Sharon was unable to complete the final details for the event. Several Board members jumped right in and dotted the I’s and crossed the T’s to be able to pull it all together. Huge thanks to Kurt Fisher, Rona Stefani, Eileen Gains, Stacy O’Connell and Sharon Neidel for all your last-minute work.

March will bring the opportunity for members to experience the services offered by of one of our gold-level sponsors, Autosport Detailing in Santa Rosa. Experts will demonstrate techniques and products to keep your beautiful Porsche looking as good as it performs. Please join us on March 11th. Look for a flyer with more details in the near future.

On a personal side, my ’83 SC Coupe was just dropped off at Pacific Coast Custom Interiors for a dash, windshield and headliner replacement along with a glass out repaint in the original Grand Prix White. The process will take a minimum of 10 weeks, depending on what they find when they start stripping it down. Many of you recognize its red hood and tail. He will come back perhaps a little more boring, but much prettier in all of his original glory. I do plan to keep the early turbo tail on but am having the original deck lid painted so that I have the option of putting it back. Wish me luck!

I think that’s all for now. Down the road…


Vern Rogers

Vern Rogers



rogersvern@gmail.com?subject=Redwood Region President

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Join Us for a Board Meeting!

Meetings of the Redwood Region Board occur on the last Tuesday of every month from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. at

(NOTE: this is a location change as of March 2024).

Any PCA member is welcome. Please try to arrive by 6:30 p.m. to place food orders so that meeting can start promptly at 7 p.m. You are responsible for buying your own drinks, but dinner is on the club!